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- 158Nombre total d'apprenants
- 468Nombre total de séances
- Jan 8, 2012Actif depuis
- 33 Lydia Ave , United StatesLieu
À propos Suann Polverari
Suann Polverari, ERYT, HC
Yoga, Meditation, Belly Dance and Arthritis Exercise Teacher
Suann is a graduate of OM yoga center where she focused her studies on yoga therapeutics and aliment based yoga practices. She has completed a training course with the Arthritis Foundation and is a trained exercise teacher. Suann graduated from The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and holds a certificate of accreditation as a HealthCare Counselor from the Teachers College of Columbia University and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP). For the past few years Suann lives, studies...
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