English오디오 언어
클래스 등급
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이 토론 게시판은 등록 학습자만 사용할 수 있습니다.
Understanding the Prophecy of Love
I will be channeling Galactic Light Beings who come from a time-frame where love is free from harm. They insist I talk about why love hurts and how to project ourselves forward, free from parameters keeping us bound to lifestyles that protect us from who we really are.
프로그램 세부정보
{{ session.minutes }} 분 세션
녹음 안함
녹화된 세션
라이브 클래스
에 대한 Lisa Knowlton
Lisa Knowlton
My fascination with the human form led me to be a very active, observant, inquirer about being human, and I continually learn to love all it is! I have studied thought, form, emotion, and how we express all of these elements throughout our lifetime. A philosopher...
학습자 (4)
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