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Yoga in the New World
When yoga arrived in the United States in the early part of the 20th century, it was still in its glory during an evolutionary time for our country. As time passed our country became hardened by difficult times and yoga practices were relatively hidden until our love for the health of a stress-free body became a prominent feature. After close to 30 years of practicing yoga very diligently, I came to understand at a whole other level, the state of the body can also be the state of the mind. As we head for a dimension with more clarity and allow for the mind to realize itself, we can ultimately be free from harmful parameters and literally leave them behind. When practicing yoga, it is important to understand personal characteristics and how they may appear to the mind, when the simple fact of freeing energy from the body is the first step toward caring for oneself and harmonizing with a more loving practice.
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Trong khoảng Lisa Knowlton
Lisa Knowlton
My fascination with the human form led me to be a very active, observant, inquirer about being human, and I continually learn to love all it is! I have studied thought, form, emotion, and how we express all of these elements throughout our lifetime. A philosopher...
người học (185)
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